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Galen Catholic College VEX Robotics Team is Off to the World VEX Robotics Championships in Kentucky USA

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ONLINE Challenges - Galen VEX Team's Submissions

As part of the Students Journey to the VEX Worlds, they can also enter Online Challenges, there are 10 online Challenges available to the students in our age group ( VEX IQ Competition) , they are all optional, but can add to the experience of VEX.  They must be completed and submitted by the 15th January 2019.


You can find more information here:


The Galen Students, will be entering into some of them. There entries will will be uploaded when they have completed them.


at the moment here are the VEX Worlds 2018 entries the Galen VEX team entered into.


Make It Real CAD Engineering Challenge Sponsored by Autodesk ®

In this challenge, the students used the same Autodesk 3D design software used by professionals to conceptualize and model a new part for a robot that improves its functionality

The students used Autodesk's  Fusion360 CAD software to design a new piece for their robot. They were able to then download the files to the 3D printer, create the piece and add it their their robot. Unfortunately they can not use the piece in competitions for display purposes only. The students had to upload their cad software files as well as a final report and images.


Find the attached pdf their Final Report that the Galen VEX Team submitted. 

Mitchell Currie Fraser was the CAD designer, Ryan Falconer and Lachlan Carboon the 3D printers, Erin Chadban, Lachlan and Mitchell all worked on the report. 

Submit a photo that best represented what you loved about being involved in robotics. Use photography to tell a complete story with one photograph, focusing on your favourite aspect of VEX Robotics

Here is the submission uploaded by Erin Chadban on behalf of the team and her description of the image and what it means to her:


To me, this photo represents my favourite thing about our school's VEX Robotics Club, teamwork and friendship. In this photo, though we may not be looking at the camera, we are all laughing and having a really good time. I think this embodies the VEX spirit, and shows that even though we are very different through age, experience, and many other things, we are able to get along and have a great time.

Erin Chadban - Galen VEX Team 48327M Member 





The Promote Award is presented to a VEX Robotics Competition team that has created and submitted an outstanding promotional video. The goal of this video is to help the team introduce itself in the community, to help recruit new students and mentors, and to gain support for the team. This video may be about the team, the program, the competition, the design and build process, the robot itself, or any theme the team believes can help promote its VEX Robotics program in their community.

This video was created to advertise and promote Galen Catholic College's team, 48327M. The video shows how we have come together and worked on our robot during our summer break. We have had fun and enjoyed ourselves, while still focusing on getting our robot ready for the World Championships. The 40-degree heat has not been a setback for us, which shows we will continue to strive for our goals no matter what. 

The background music was selected with a specific purpose. We chose the song "Top of the World" as that is how we are all feeling, after gaining the Excellence Award and a spot at the VEX Worlds at the Australian Nationals in December. 

Our video has been a joy for us to make, so we hope you appreciate the effort that we put in. Thank you, and please enjoy.

Girl Powered is an initiative to redefine the face of STEM by creating a more inclusive environment for all students within the robotics community. Together, with the support of the entire community, we strive to encourage equal participation of young women and men in competitive robotics. We want to use this challenge to show the robotics community at large just what it means to be a Girl Powered VEX Robotics Competition team!

This submission was completed by Madalynn Baumanas and Erin Chadban, here is their intro and the attached PDF file is their submission.

Girl Powered. With the numerous protests and marches for equality among all genders, this topic has been discussed far and wide. In the wake of these events, girls around the globe have come forward to share their experiences in male-dominated industries and areas. These are our thoughts and stories on Girl Powered in VEX Robotics. 

Madalynn Baumanis and Erin Chadban 

Galen VEX Team 48327M Members

This challenge is to develop a website that promotes your entire robotics program – your VEX and any other robotics programs you participate in, your outreach activities, how to join, what you have done, who you are, where you are, and what you plan to do in the future. In short, build a website that tells the world how great youth robotics is and how special your program is.

This website was coded in Dream Weaver by Lachlan Carboon, to advertise and promote Galen's VEX program. It contains a blog on the website making, photos of every competition, team members, and much more. The website was developed over 5 months, with input from his team members as to the content to be displayed. Lachaln was able to problem solve which required a lot of trouble shooting and restarting.

Lachlan was able to work on the creation of the VEX Website during his Multimedia Class with Mr Webber, and has learnt alot about the "back end" of website design. He has been able to transfer his knowledge to other team members.

We hope you like it.




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